Eating out is a huge financial cost. The adverage person spends $10 a day for lunch. That's $50 a week, and about $200 a month! That's the price of a car note.
Packing your own lunch is a great way to cut costs, but many people don't have access to a refrigerator or a microwave. So that eliminates eating leftovers, salads, and any sandwhiches with mayo.
Whether you're working in an office or walking around campus all day (like me), you need something easy, hardy, and most of all healthy.
Fall has brought us an excellent solution...
Soups packed in a thermos are the perfect way to cut costs and eat healthy. Most of all, this "packed lunch" is extremely convenient and easy.
What you'll need:
- A good Thermos. I would suggest you invest in a thermos with a vacuum. The vacuum seal holds in the heat longer.
- Some yummy recipies. I would suggest using up bits and pieces of whatever is left in the fridge! Carrots, mushrooms, chicken, beans, and tomatoes are all essential ingrediences for soups! Eliminating waste by using leftovers is another way to cut costs.
- A spoon. Just any old spoon will work. Some thermoses come with a top that can double as a bowl.
- Some crackers or crutons! Don't go out and buy any. Next time you are out at a restaurant that offers free crackers and butter, just snag a few and slip them into your purse! It's not stealing, techniquelly.
Have you ever packed a thermos of soup for lunch?
Got any good recipies? How about some additional advise? Please share!
Good Luck
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